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NCKU COVID-19 Survey

Dear Colleagues and Students,

中央流行疫情指揮中心於3月11日提升冰島、瑞士、挪威、瑞典、比利時、荷蘭、丹麥及奧地利共8國,以及中東地區的巴林和科威特,的旅遊疫情警示至第二級警示(Alert)。另考量申根區域國家人員流動密切,同步將希臘、捷克、葡萄牙、芬蘭 、斯洛維尼亞、波蘭、愛沙尼亞 、匈牙利、盧森堡、馬爾他、斯洛伐克、拉脫維亞、立陶宛、列支敦斯登,以及與申根區自由流動的英國、愛爾蘭共16國的旅遊疫情警示調整至第一級注意(Watch)。由於自以上國家入境者,需要自主健康管理14天,本公告更新有關「具感染風險民眾追蹤管理機制資料」之成大對應措施。
The Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) has raised on March 11th its travel notice level to Level 2: Alert for Iceland, Switzerland, Norway, Sweden, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, Austria, and Bahrain and Kuwait in the Middle East. In addition, in consideration of the high mobility among the Schengen Area Countries, CECC has also raised its travel notice level to Level 1: Watch for Greece, Czech Republic, Portugal, Finland, Slovenia, Poland, Estonia, Hungary, Luxembourg, Malta, Slovakia, Latvia, Lithuania, Liechtenstein, United Kingdom and Ireland. Travelers arriving in Taiwan from the above nations must conduct Self-Health Management for 14 days after entering Taiwan. This announcement therefore updates NCKU’s emergency measures for the Tracking and Management Mechanism for People under Infection Risk.

「居家檢疫」(Home Quarantine)

People who in the previous 14 days has a travel history (including flight transit) to China, Hong Kong, Macao, South Korea, Italy, Iran or other nations listed in travel notice level 3 should conduct Home Quarantine for 14 days after entering Taiwan immediately. It is forbidden to go out, take public transportation, or go to school or office during the 14 days. Those who fail to comply with central epidemic command and control measures will be fined according to the Communicable Disease Control Act and may be proceeded with compulsory placement when necessary.

「自主健康管理」(Self-Health Management)

People who in the previous 14 days has a travel history (including flight transit) to nations listed in travel notice level 1 and 2, as well as people who were asked to conduct diagnostic testing for COVID-19 by authorities must conduct Self-Health Management for 14 days. During the period of Self-Health Management, people should not go out or go to school or office. If going out is necessary, they should wear a medical mask.

NCKU implements a more rigorous measure and regards a flight transit as a travel history. Therefore, people who have a travel history (including flight transit) to Korea in the previous 14 days must conduct Home Quarantine.

To avoid a cluster infection, NCKU demands the students who live in dormitory during the Self-Management of Health period to take the same regulations as Home Quarantine. It is forbidden to leave the dormitory or enter campus.
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